International Symposium Practices and Trends for Financing and Contracting Tunnels and Underground Works
Procurement strategies for large underground infrastructure projects. M. Knights, ITA Past President 2007-2010, Global Leader, Practice Leader Tunnelling and Earth Engineering and Sciences Halcrow Group Ltd
Completion of underground projects respecting applicable EU and national public procurement legislation. G. Kolyvas, Senior Policy Advisor, European Commission (DG REGIO, D3- Financial Engineering)
Alternative ground control strategies in underground construction. E. Hoek
Consulting Enginner Inc The contractual models for tunnels on New Croatian Railway Lines. D. Kolic - T. Lazeta, Croatia Questions
New railway link through the Alps - The Swiss approach for financing and contracting large tunnel railway infrastructure projects. H. Ehrbar, AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd., Lucerne, Chief Construction Officer Gotthard Base Tunnel Member of the Executive Board
Experiences with tunnelling contracts in Turkey and their feedback. Y. Erdem, Turkey
Applied fast track approach in tunnel design: Lessons learnt. N. Koronakis, P. Kontothanassis, OK Consulting SA, Athens, Greece, J. Bournazos, Aktor S.A.
Construction cost estimation of Greek road tunnels in relation to the geotechnical conditions. C. Paraskevopoulou - A. Benardos, School of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, NTUA
Tunnelling and underground works in PPC hydro projects: Contracting practices & construction. I. Thanopoulos, Dr. Civil Engineer PPC
Financing subsurface infrastructure in difficult times – A contractual practices perspective. A. Dix, Animateur of ITA WG3 Contractual Practices, Adj Professor of Engineering (QUT) and Law (Counsel at Law)
Managing financial risks for uncertainty. A. Palmieri, World Bank
EIB tunnel financing: Technical and contractual best practices. J. Rodon-Blas-Y. Pagni, European Investment Bank Projects Directorate/Mobility
Innovative financing techniques: The case of Athens metro extensions. A. Deloukas, dipl. Bau-Ing. ETH, Attiko Metro S.A.
Claims in respect of works of underground construction. J. Huse, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
The best of all possible worlds? – Multi-tier dispute resolution clauses in tunnel construction projects. C. Nairac, Partner, International Arbitration Practice, White & Case LLP, Partner
The application of Directive 2004/54/EC on the TEN Motorway projects in Greece. A. Markezinis, Law Firm Zemberis, Markezinis, Lambrou and Partners
Contracts for underground constructions - The Austrian practice. R. Galler, Prof. Dr., Head of Subsurface Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Representative of ITA Austria
Contractual management and construction framework for tunnels of Egnatia Odos. N. Rahaniotis, G. Tsitouridis, Egnantia Odos, S. Lampropoulos, General Secretary for Concessions, Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
The tunnel experience at the crossroads: The Bosphorus strait railway tunnel project: aka theMarmaray project. L. Irmak, MC2Modern Construction Consulting
Contractual fast track approach in implementing the Thirra Road tunnel of the Durres-Morine (Kossovo border) in Albania. Y. Gjoni, General Director of Roads, Albania
Panel Members: E. Hoek, M. Knights, A. Dix, A. Markezinis
Tunnel contracts' performance; Expectations and achievements Tunnel contract as a tool for risk allocation and risk management
- 1st Session: Procurement Strategies
Procurement strategies for large underground infrastructure projects. M. Knights, ITA Past President 2007-2010, Global Leader, Practice Leader Tunnelling and Earth Engineering and Sciences Halcrow Group Ltd
Completion of underground projects respecting applicable EU and national public procurement legislation. G. Kolyvas, Senior Policy Advisor, European Commission (DG REGIO, D3- Financial Engineering)
Alternative ground control strategies in underground construction. E. Hoek
Consulting Enginner Inc The contractual models for tunnels on New Croatian Railway Lines. D. Kolic - T. Lazeta, Croatia Questions
- 2nd Session: Experiences in Financing and Contracting from Tunnelling Contracts
New railway link through the Alps - The Swiss approach for financing and contracting large tunnel railway infrastructure projects. H. Ehrbar, AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd., Lucerne, Chief Construction Officer Gotthard Base Tunnel Member of the Executive Board
Experiences with tunnelling contracts in Turkey and their feedback. Y. Erdem, Turkey
Applied fast track approach in tunnel design: Lessons learnt. N. Koronakis, P. Kontothanassis, OK Consulting SA, Athens, Greece, J. Bournazos, Aktor S.A.
Construction cost estimation of Greek road tunnels in relation to the geotechnical conditions. C. Paraskevopoulou - A. Benardos, School of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, NTUA
Tunnelling and underground works in PPC hydro projects: Contracting practices & construction. I. Thanopoulos, Dr. Civil Engineer PPC
- 3rd Session: Financing Underground Works
Financing subsurface infrastructure in difficult times – A contractual practices perspective. A. Dix, Animateur of ITA WG3 Contractual Practices, Adj Professor of Engineering (QUT) and Law (Counsel at Law)
Managing financial risks for uncertainty. A. Palmieri, World Bank
EIB tunnel financing: Technical and contractual best practices. J. Rodon-Blas-Y. Pagni, European Investment Bank Projects Directorate/Mobility
Innovative financing techniques: The case of Athens metro extensions. A. Deloukas, dipl. Bau-Ing. ETH, Attiko Metro S.A.
- 4th Session: Contacting Issues I
Claims in respect of works of underground construction. J. Huse, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
The best of all possible worlds? – Multi-tier dispute resolution clauses in tunnel construction projects. C. Nairac, Partner, International Arbitration Practice, White & Case LLP, Partner
The application of Directive 2004/54/EC on the TEN Motorway projects in Greece. A. Markezinis, Law Firm Zemberis, Markezinis, Lambrou and Partners
- 5th Session: Experiences in Financing and Contracting from Tunnelling Contracts II
Contracts for underground constructions - The Austrian practice. R. Galler, Prof. Dr., Head of Subsurface Engineering, Montanuniversität Leoben, Representative of ITA Austria
Contractual management and construction framework for tunnels of Egnatia Odos. N. Rahaniotis, G. Tsitouridis, Egnantia Odos, S. Lampropoulos, General Secretary for Concessions, Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks
The tunnel experience at the crossroads: The Bosphorus strait railway tunnel project: aka theMarmaray project. L. Irmak, MC2Modern Construction Consulting
Contractual fast track approach in implementing the Thirra Road tunnel of the Durres-Morine (Kossovo border) in Albania. Y. Gjoni, General Director of Roads, Albania
- 6th Session: Round Table
Panel Members: E. Hoek, M. Knights, A. Dix, A. Markezinis
Tunnel contracts' performance; Expectations and achievements Tunnel contract as a tool for risk allocation and risk management